Grief stinks!

A few ways to help you on your grief journey.
By Erin Brodbeck, LCSW, CT, Director of Grief Services, Center for Loss & Healing

The flowers and music were beautiful, and the photos made you laugh through the tears. You said your final goodbyes, now what? No matter if you are just beginning your grief journey or have been there for awhile, you might not know what to expect next. Grief stinks, period. It's messy. It doesn't go how you want it to, and it definitely has its own agenda. The thing about grief is it might make you feel like you don't know what you are doing. The good thing is that there are people, places and things that can help you on your journey.

  • Identify your support team. Your grief journey is too treacherous to go through by yourself. It's important to figure out your support system early on.
  • Reach out to support groups or counselors. It's not a bad idea to have as many people supporting you as possible.
  • Find a spot that you find comforting or relaxing. Make it your special place to reflect, meditate or cry if you need to.
  • Find a place that you find comforting and will offer support no matter when you there. That might be at church, a relative or friend's house, or maybe it's at the movie theater. It's your place, you get to pick it.
  • Keep a memory box with items that remind you of your loved one. This could be a special necklace they wore or a CD that they really liked.
  • Keep a journal. You can write down your feelings every day or special memories of your loved one. You can take it with you to use as needed, or you can use it in your special place to find comfort.
No matter where and when you are grieving, you are certainly not alone. I encourage you to find support and comfort in the people, places and things that can help you along the way. If you need assistance, don't be afraid to give us a call.

This article originally appeared in Sunset Memorial Park's quarterly e-newsletter. Sign-up today to receive news and information on special events happening at Sunset Memorial Park.

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